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Top Tips for Staying on Track with Calorie Deficit

calorie deficit Dec 11, 2024

Hi, lovelies! Today, I’m excited to share some of my top tips that have helped me during my weight loss journey. These are little things I’ve picked up over the years that made a huge difference. When I first started, I didn’t have a guide—just trial and error. But looking back now, these strategies were game changers for me, and I hope they’ll help you too!

1. Steps Matter!

Let’s start with one of my favourite topics: steps. They’ve been such an important part of my journey. I aim for at least 10,000 steps a day, and some days, it’s more like 15,000 or even 20,000! Trust me, you don’t need a fancy fitness tracker to get started—just track your steps however you can. I use an Apple Watch because it links to my iPhone, but anything works!

Tip: If your step count is low, aim to increase it by 10% gradually. Start small and build on that. You’ll be surprised how naturally you’ll want to do more over time. Walking isn’t just good for your body; it’s also great for your mind. Even if it’s a few extra laps around the house, it all adds up!

2. Snacks Are Not the Enemy

I’m a sucker for snacks, and I’m not ashamed to say it! Finding 100-calorie snacks has been a lifesaver for me. Things like Quavers, Fridge Raiders, or those Aldi coconut yogurts (seriously, love them!) help me feel like I’m not missing out. I bulk up meals with loads of fruit and veggies too—perfect for volume eating without going overboard on calories.

Favorite Snack Combo:

  • 64-calorie yogurt + loads of fresh fruit = the perfect sweet fix!
  • Babybel Lights for a protein boost.

3. Consistency Over Perfection

I know it’s tempting to expect big results quickly, but the real key is consistency. You won’t lose weight every week—and that’s okay! Be honest with yourself and track everything, even if you’ve gone over your calories for the day. One meal won’t derail your progress as long as you stay accountable and get back on track.

When I started, I weighed myself once a week—on Sundays. That way, I could enjoy a little treat on Sunday after my weigh-in. Did I still track it? Absolutely! It’s all about balance and knowing that life happens, but as long as you keep showing up for yourself, you’ll make progress.

4. Volume Eating Is a Game Changer

I didn’t start out loving vegetables, but once I realised how filling and low-calorie they are, it became a bit of a challenge to create huge, satisfying meals that were still within my calorie budget. Bulk your meals with veg, salads, and lean protein—it’ll help you stay full and feel like you’re eating a lot while keeping calories in check.

5. Kitchen Tools Are Your Best Friend

Invest in a good set of electronic kitchen scales! Measuring your food and portions is the most reliable way to ensure you’re in a calorie deficit. It might seem tedious at first, but trust me, it becomes second nature quickly.

6. Stay Hydrated

Fluid intake is something I struggled with at first, but I’ve learned how crucial it is. I aim for two big bottles of water a day (plus my coffee and tea!). It keeps my body feeling good and helps with those hunger pangs that are really just thirst.

7. Fitness: Find What Works for You

It took me a while to fall in love with the gym. At first, I only did cardio, spending 20 minutes on the treadmill and working my way up to 70 minutes at high incline. Eventually, my body shape started to change, and I realised it wasn’t just about weight loss anymore—it was about fitness and how it made me feel mentally.

But remember, the gym isn’t your only option! Walking, home workouts, or even a quick step workout on YouTube can be just as effective. The key is to move your body in a way you enjoy.

8. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

One of the things that kept me accountable was posting my meals and progress in my online group—even when no one was watching! Don’t be afraid to share your journey or reach out for support. There’s always someone who can relate to where you are.

Final Thoughts

The journey isn’t about being perfect. It’s about showing up for yourself, being consistent, and trusting the process. Whether you want to lose 1 stone, 5 stone, or 10 stone—set yourself up for success with the right tools, stay accountable, and remember why you started.

You’ve got this! And as always, if you have questions, leave a comment or reach out. I’m here to help. 💫

As always I am truly grateful for all the love & support you give me 🥺 💫

Sammi 🤎

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